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Donate to Peaceable Kingdom

Peaceable Kingdom is funded by private contributions. We are not a government agency and we do not receive tax dollars. We operate on a bare-bones budget, making every penny count. Our administrative costs are minimal and many of our supplies are donated. When you make a financial contribution to Peaceable Kingdom, you can be certain that your money goes directly to the needs of the animals. All donations are tax-deductible. Be sure to provide your name and mailing address along with your donation so that we can send a statement for your records.


Peaceable Kingdom sends acknowledgment letters for all donations of $50 or more, if you make a smaller donation and wish to receive an acknowledgment letter, please specify that when you make the donation


Mail Donations

To send a contribution by mail, simply print out and return our Donation Form (PDF download.) Sending a donation by mail will automatically enroll you on our mailing list to receive newsletters and invitations to special events. Your personal information will remain confidential. We do not share our mailing list with advertisers or other organizations.


Online Donations

Peaceable Kingdom can accept one-time and recurring donations online made securely through the Harness web site.

To make a donation to Peaceable Kingdom, please click the HERE.

Donating to our Medical Fund

CLICK HERE to donate our our Medical Fund: To learn more about our medical fund, click HERE.

Non-Monetary Donations

We accept donations of new and used animal care and household items, handicrafts and business services. Small items may be left outside the shelter in waterproof containers. To donate professional services, large items or large quantities of supplies, please email us to make arrangements. In-kind contributions are tax deductible. If you print and fill out our In-Kind Contribution Donation Form (PDF download) and include it with your donation, we will send a statement for your tax records.

See our full wish list HERE..

Redner's Market Save-a-Tape Program

Donations of Redner's receipt tapes are as good as cash to Peaceable Kingdom. When you purchase groceries at Redner's, ask the cashier for a Save-A-Tape card. On the application, list Peaceable Kingdom as the organization to receive the funds. The Save-A-Tape card will be scanned into the cash register each time you make a purchase. The total amount of your purchase (excluding milk and tobacco products) is printed on the bottom of the cash register receipt tape. Save your Redner's receipt tapes and mail them to Peaceable Kingdom, PO Box 424, Whitehall, PA 18052. Peaceable Kingdom will receive the cash equivalent of 1% of the total amount of each receipt.


Donation Boxes

Small donation boxes are available to keep at the checkout counter at commercial establishments. The boxes may also be used for short-term events such as festivals or bazaars. Peaceable Kingdom will deliver the box to you and pick it up or retrieve donations as needed; you do not have to do anything. Call (610) 432-2532 or e-mail us to arrange for a box at your location. And of course, if you see a box at the checkout counter when you are shopping, be sure to toss in some change!


Bequests to Peaceable Kingdom

Remember Peaceable Kingdom in your will. In addition to monetary amounts, bequests of real estate, stocks, bonds, or other forms of property may be made. Peaceable Kingdom can be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement fund. We also appreciate donations made in memory of a loved one (animal or human) who has touched your life.

© 2023 by Peaceable Kingdom. Proudly created with

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